Everyday Bathing Routine

August 02, 2019

Have you ever wondered why we take bath everyday?

Well, Bathing is not just for cleaning our body, but it has many advantages. 
Bathing doesn't keeps you fresh and smelling good but also keeps you fit and healthy. 

Benefits of taking bath everyday : 

  • Improves Blood Circulation
  • Treats Depression
  • Reduce Stress
  • Boost the Immune System
  • Reduces Muscle Tension

Everyday Bathing Routine 

A beauty regime is not always about the face mask, it begins with showering right.

We all take shower very quickly. But have you ever wondered that quick shower routine is actually good for your skin or not?  
Well, its okay for some days but not good for everyday.
Your body also requires that much attention that you gives it to your face.

So here are some tips that you should follow for a beautiful and healthy body :

Soap :

Well, starting with the first product that is soap.
Most of the people prefer soaps over shower gels. But for me soaps are unhygienic if you are sharing your it with your family and friends. Soaps makes your skin dry, as it removes natural oil from the skin.
But some soaps are gentle on the skin, you can try Pears soap or Dove soap.

 Loofah : 

Loofah scrub comes from the ground like secretions of the loofah plant, a known relative of the cucumber. Loofah will exfoliate the skin, perfectly safe to use and it improves blood circulation of the skin.                                                                 
            How to Use Loofah :                                        
  • Use water in softening the loofah.
  • Just a bit of shower gel.
  • Rub in circular motion.
  • Always rinse the loofah after use.
  • Let the loofah dry complete.
  • Replace the loofah after a month.


Shower Gel :           

It is important to use a good, moisturizing, shower gels which will not let your skin dry. You only need a small amount of shower gel on loofah. Then gently rub on your body and don't scrub with that too much.

Rinse :

If you are facing the problem of body rashes or acne, be sure to wash your body after you washed your hair. Save your face for last and washed with cool water to avoid dehydrating your face as well.
At last make sure to blast cold water on your hair and body, this will minimize your open pores and tighten the skin as well.

 Dry :

Mostly people rub their body for drying, but excessive rubbing your body with towel removes the natural oil of your skin, which causes itchiness. 
The best way to dry your body is patting yourself dry with a towel. Always make sure that the towel you are using is dry because the damp towel is a house for bacteria and can cause acne or itchiness.

So bathing properly and with the right products you can effortlessly restore your skin.
I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any queries then reach out to via email beyourself00loveyourself gmail.com .

You can also find me on FacebookQuoraInstagramPinterest, and Twitter.

THANK YOU!!!                    

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